Maaseudun Terveys- ja Lomahuolto (MTLH) organises holidays for those who otherwise cannot afford to go on a holiday. MTLH is an NGO that operates nationally and offers almost 500 weeks of supported group holidays annually at numerous holiday destinations across Finland.
The holidays we provide are financially supported five-day domestic holidays that includes accommodation, full-board meals and holiday activities. We organise holidays for families with children, working-aged people, elderly people as well as peer holidays for those belonging to different target groups. Approximately half the holidays are organised in cooperation with different social, health and family organisations. Holidays provide people with a getaway from their daily lives and offer peer support to people in similar situations in life.
MTLH was founded in 1954 with the objective of assisting stressed mothers of low-income families in rural areas of Finland and of providing them with the opportunity for a holiday and relaxation. Today we operate nationally making sure everybody has the right for a holiday! Nowadays, the Support Person Network of Rural Finland operates within our organisation offering volunteer support to the residents of rural areas of Finland.